Blue Planet Nutrients = Superior Results

Blue Planet Nutrients are formulated with everything plants need to achieve maximum growth and yield. Start by choosing one of our three base nutrient lines in order to provide a solid foundation for your feeding regimen. Bloom boosters and supplements will help push your plants to their fullest genetic potential, resulting in a high yield and a hefty harvest. Browse the products below to learn more.

Base Nutrients


Blue Max A + B Base Nutrients

The Blue Max 2 Part Series is an easy-to-use base nutrient system designed for both beginners and advanced growers. It is a complete nutrient system which provides all essential nutrients required by fruiting and flowering plants. Each part plays an essential role throughout the plant's growth and development, providing all primary, secondary, and micronutrients for the specific requirements of fruiting and flowering plants. Blue Max is an outstanding Base Nutrient System is a known for its reputation among commercial growers to consistently produce some of the finest flowers in the industry. This nutrient system is also ionically-balanced to maximize nutrient use efficiency. Blue Max is the perfect choice for a range of water profiles from hard to soft.

Two white containers of cleaning products on a green background.

Part A + Part B

Together, Blue Max A + B provides all primary, secondary, and micronutrients for the specific requirements of flowering plants at each stage of growth. Beginning with lush vegetative growth through the final stages of flower, plants grown with Blue Max produce flowers that are higher quality, have better flavor, and higher yields than other 2 part formulas on the market.

Part A - Supplies your plants with Nitrogen, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, and Micronutrients.

Part B - Supplies plants with the precise amounts of Phosphorus, Potassium, Magnesium, and Sulfur for high yields at every harvest.

A green bar graph with three different types of flavor, quality and yield.

Chelation Plus Ionic Balance
Our proprietary formula contains multiple forms of chelated micronutrients and is ionically balanced to maximize nutrient uptake. We use a combination of EDTA, DTPA, EDDHA, and amino chelating compounds to increase nutrient availability. Nutrient solutions with the proper Ionic Balance maximizes the uptake of nutrients and minimizes the energy plants expend taking up essential nutrients. Although plants can adjust to many different cation:anion ratios not typical of their normal uptake characteristics, plants will expend far less energy if the ions of the essential elements are in the proper balance.

Blue Max A + B is tailored to maximize the yield of your high value crops.

Blue Max A + B Feed Charts

Available sizes:

  • quart
  • gallon
  • 30 gallon drum
  • 55 gallon drum
A label for blue planet nutrients bluestone gro
A label for the bluebell bloom plant.

Elite Series

Elite 3-Part Base Nutrients

The Elite 3 is a complete nutrient system which provides plants with all essential nutrients required for explosive growth. Each of the 3 parts plays an essential role in plants' growth and development. This nutrient system is "ionically-balanced" to maximize the uptake of nutrients and minimize the energy plants expend taking up essential nutrients.


The Elite Series consists of three parts. These products are used together to form a complete nutrient solution supplying your plants with everything needed from seedling to harvest.

GROW - Provides the Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Potassium, and secondary minerals necessary for plants to build strong roots during the "vegetative" growth stage.

BLOOM - Supplies your plants the Phosphorous, Potassium, Magnesium, and Sulfur that is essential during the "flower" phase for the development of fat, heavy, and sticky buds.

MICRO - The foundation of the Elite 3. Micro is used by plants during both the "Veg" and "Flower" phases. It provides Nitrogen, Calcium, and all of the Micronutrients and trace elements in precise amounts.

A group of three different containers with green and purple paint.

Chelation Plus Ionic Balance

Our proprietary formula contains multiple forms of chelated micronutrients and is ionically balanced to maximize nutrient uptake. We use a combination of EDTA, DTPA, EDDHA, and amino chelating compounds to increase nutrient availability. Nutrient solutions with the proper Ionic Balance maximizes the uptake of nutrients and minimizes the energy plants expend taking up essential nutrients. Although plants can adjust to many different cation:anion ratios not typical of their normal uptake characteristics, plants will expend far less energy if the ions of the essential elements are in the proper balance.

BPN Elite Grow-Micro-Bloom is designed for use in all hydroponic systems, aeroponics, coco-coir, all soil-less mediums such as vermiculite, perlite, and in soil.

Blue Planet Nutrients Elite Series is tailored to maximize the yield of high value crops.

A blue bar graph with the words increased yields.

Elite Series Feed Charts

Available sizes:

  • quart
  • gallon
  • 30 gallon drum
  • 55 gallon drum
  • 275 gallon tote
  • custom sizes available
A nutritional label for some kind of food.
A label for the micro 1-8-1 chocolate bar.
A label for the product of bloom

Farmer's Pride

Farmer's Pride Organic Blend Base Nutrients

Farmer's Pride was developed for the more natural-minded gardener. The organic base of this nutrient formula is a proprietary blend of enzymatically digested alfalfa meal, fish meal, kelp meal, bone meal and composted high Nitrogen bat guano.

Farmer's Pride GROW provides plants with organic nitrogen and mineral forms of nitrogen and calcium that plants need during all stages of growth. Farmer's Pride MICRO contains certified organic amino acid chelated micronutrients and other naturally occurring minerals. Farmer's Pride BLOOM is fortified with acid treated Indonesian Bat Guano so high levels of phosphorus are immediately available for plant uptake. FP BLOOM also provides your plants with healthy levels of all natural potassium in the form of naturally mined potash. This well balanced Organic Blend 3-Part System produces amazing results.

A group of three white containers with different colored labels.

Organic Blend GROW • MICRO • BLOOM

Farmer's Pride GROW, MICRO, and BLOOM are designed to be used together.
These 3 proprietary formula contain the perfect balance of immediately available primary, secondary, and micronutrients required for maximum growth. The ingredients used in Farmer's Pride promotes and facilitates the growth of beneficial bacteria and fungi in your growing media. Due to the organic nature of this product, there may be larger particles in the nutrient solution that may clog fine jets/pumps. Farmer's Pride is designed for use in hydroponic systems, coco-coir, all soil-less mediums such as vermiculite and perlite, and in soil.

Farmer's Pride Organic Blend will maximize your grow room to its fullest potential.

Farmer's Pride Organic Blend Feed Charts

Available sizes:

  • quart
  • gallon
  • 30 gallon drum
  • 55 gallon drum
  • custom sizes available
A label for farmer 's pride organic blend
A purple background with a bar code and a price label.
A label for a product with a picture of flowers.


Liquid Seaweed

Blue Planet Nutrients Liquid Seaweed

Blue Planet Nutrients Liquid Seaweed is a staple for any garden. This versatile, easy to use product provides organic material that will boost plant vitality and stimulate healthy new growth in all varieties of plants. Liquid Seaweed naturally contains alginic acid, vitamins, auxins, gibberellins, naturally occurring antibiotics, and is loaded with many major plant nutrients as well as over 60 trace elements. BPN Liquid Seaweed is derived from Ascophyllum nodosum and is compatible with any brand or type of fertilizers and supplements. It's a concentrated formula which is diluted and fed directly to plants or used as a foliar spray. This is a product you'll want to always have on hand for all varieties of plants growing in any type of garden.

How can plants and gardens benefit from adding Liquid Seaweed?

A bottle of liquid seaweed is shown.

Micronutrients - Liquid Seaweed is naturally rich in micronutrients, which are fully chelated, so they can be easily utilized by plants to prevent and correct any micronutrient deficiencies.

Natural Plant Hormones - In the ocean, seaweed is capable of rapid growth in extreme conditions such as low light levels & strong tides due to its naturally occurring growth hormones. BPN Liquid Seaweed will provide your plants with those natural hormones allowing for a boost in growth and development.

Carbohydrates - Gardens can greatly benefit from carbohydrates, which are a source of energy essential for carrying out normal growth functions. Liquid Seaweed contains carbohydrates and can help mother plants produce more successful clones, help stimulate growth, and even help produce better smelling flowers and sweeter fruits when used in conjunction with other supplements such as Early Bloomer and Liquid Blue. The extra carbohydrates in Liquid Seaweed can be invaluable to increasing yield and increasing the overall quality of your harvest.

Stronger Beneficial Microbes - Liquid Seaweed contains ample amounts of organic material, which is a rich source of food for beneficial microorganisms in your growing medium. A healthy beneficial microbial population in and around the roots of plants is instrumental in having healthy roots (allowing for more nutrient/water uptake) and controlling pathogenic microorganisms in the growing medium.

Liquid Seaweed is an effective and beneficial supplement meant to be used in conjunction with a complete feeding regimen such as BlueMax, Elite Series, or Farmer's Pride base nutrients.

Easy Weed Soluble Seaweed

A jar of seaweed supplement for easy weed.

Easy Weed Seaweed

Easy Weed Seaweed is our highly concentrated powder flake version of our popular Liquid Seaweed product. Just add a small scoop (1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon) to a gallon of water and that is all you need! It's packed with trace elements, amino acids, enzymes, carbohydrates, and fully chelated readily available micro-nutrients. This all-natural supplement works well in any type of garden and is a great way to boost overall plant vitality. Easy Weed can help produce more successful clones, boost growth, and even help produce more fragrant flowers and sweeter fruits.

Adding Easy Weed Soluble Seaweed supplement to your plant's feed regimen is sure to help produce larger, stronger, and healthier plants by contributing to the development of roots and contains an array of trace nutrients which help plants produce better growth overall. Easy Weed is perfect for potted plants, in-ground plants, and hydroponic or aeroponically grown plants, microgreens, seedlings, houseplants, orchids, succulents, cacti, vegetables, fruit, flowers, roses, cut flowers, herbs, trees, shrubs, and so much more. Use Easy Weed with Blue Planet Nutrients base nutrients such as BlueMax, Elite, or Farmer's Pride for a complete plant fertilizer regimen.

Can't decide between Easy Weed and Liquid Seaweed?

That's okay! Both products provide your plants with similar levels of nutrition and benefits. Easy Weed is a powder so it weighs less and the smaller container takes up less space, (but don't let the size fool you). When mixed with water, Easy Weed creates a ready to feed solution that can be fed directly to plants or combined with other fertilizers. Like Liquid Seaweed, one container of Easy Weed can produce hundreds of gallons of ready to feed solution, making it a great value!

Cal Mag Liquid

CalMag Plus Iron

Blue Planet Nutrients Cal-Mag is a plant supplement designed to correct the problem of calcium, magnesium and iron deficiencies and is a highly beneficial bio-catalyst for plants.

A gallon of cal mag is shown.

Function of Calcium in Plants

Calcium, in the form of calcium pectate, is responsible for holding together the cell walls of plants. When calcium is deficient, new tissue such as root tips, young leaves, and shoot tips often exhibit distorted growth from improper cell wall formation. Calcium is also used in activating certain enzymes and to send signals that coordinate certain cellular activities and helps protects plants against heat stress by improving stomatal function.

Calcium is not mobile within the plant and relies on the transpiration process to be taken up by the plant roots. Conditions of high humidity, cold and a low transpiration rates may result in calcium deficiency. Salinity buildup might also cause calcium deficiency because it decreases the water uptake by the plant.

Since calcium mobility in plants is limited, calcium deficiency will appear in younger leaves (die back or burns) and in fruits (blossom end rot, bitter pit), because they have a very low transpiration rate. Therefore, it is necessary to have a constant supply of calcium for continued growth.

Function of Magnesium in Plants

Magnesium is the powerhouse behind photosynthesis in plants. The most important role of magnesium is as the central atom in the chlorophyll molecule. Chlorophyll is the pigment that gives plants their green color and carries out the process of photosynthesis. It also aids in the activation of many plant enzymes needed for growth and contributes to protein synthesis. Magnesium is also used by plants for the metabolism of carbohydrates and in the cell membrane stabilization.

Magnesium is mobile within the plant so deficiency symptoms appear first in older leaves. The symptoms show up as yellow leaves with green veins (interveinal chlorosis). Magnesium availability is not significantly affected by the pH but it does become more available for plant uptake as the pH of the hydroponic or soil solution increases.

Function of Iron in Plants

Iron is a constituent of several plant enzymes and is essential in the formation of chloroplyll. Iron assists in nitrate and sulfate reduction and energy production within the plant. Plants deficient in iron show chlorosis in the new leaves.

BPN CalMag Helps Increase:

  • Cell division and plant tissue development
  • Flower and fruit sets
  • Water nutrient and carbon dioxide uptake
  • Growth rates and crop maturity

Helps Prevent:

  • Tip burn in lettuce and cabbage
  • Dry and withered flower and fruit sets
  • Interveinal chlorosis
  • Stunted growth rates
  • Upward leaf curl

CalMag Pro Formula

Cal-Mag Pro Formula + Micronutrients

Blue Planet Nutrients Cal-Mag Pro Formula is a highly concentrated powdered plant supplement that corrects calcium, magnesium, and micronutrient deficiencies. Cal-Mag Pro is extremely powerful. Only 1/2 to 2 grams per gallon or water is needed to correct most calcium and magnesium deficiencies. The addition of micronutrients corrects most micronutrient deficiencies as well! 16 ounces of this product makes up to 450 gallons of ready to use nutrient solution.

A jar of calmag pro formula with tomatoes.

Function of Calcium in Plants

Calcium, in the form of calcium pectate, is responsible for holding together the cell walls of plants. When calcium is deficient, new tissue such as root tips, young leaves, and shoot tips often exhibit distorted growth from improper cell wall formation. Calcium is also used in activating certain enzymes and to send signals that coordinate certain cellular activities and helps protects plants against heat stress by improving stomatal function.

Calcium is not mobile within the plant and relies on the transpiration process to be taken up by the plant roots. Conditions of high humidity, cold and a low transpiration rates may result in calcium deficiency. Salinity buildup might also cause calcium deficiency because it decreases the water uptake by the plant.

Since calcium mobility in plants is limited, calcium deficiency will appear in younger leaves (die back or burns) and in fruits (blossom end rot, bitter pit), because they have a very low transpiration rate. Therefore, it is necessary to have a constant supply of calcium for continued growth.

Function of Magnesium in Plants

Magnesium is the powerhouse behind photosynthesis in plants. The most important role of magnesium is as the central atom in the chlorophyll molecule. Chlorophyll is the pigment that gives plants their green color and carries out the process of photosynthesis. It also aids in the activation of many plant enzymes needed for growth and contributes to protein synthesis. Magnesium is also used by plants for the metabolism of carbohydrates and in the cell membrane stabilization.

Magnesium is mobile within the plant so deficiency symptoms appear first in older leaves. The symptoms show up as yellow leaves with green veins (interveinal chlorosis). Magnesium availability is not significantly affected by the pH but it does become more available for plant uptake as the pH of the hydroponic or soil solution increases.

Function of Micronutrients in Plants

Micronutrients are crucial for many intercellular processes within plants. Micronutrients catalyze enzymatic reactions, are key constituents of enzymes, and are crucial for membrane integrity. Micronutrients also play key roles in photosynthesis and nitrogen metablism, and are important for many other functions in plants.

BPN CalMag Pro Formula Increases:

  • Cell division and plant tissue development
  • Flower and fruit sets
  • Water nutrient and carbon dioxide uptake
  • Growth rates and crop maturity

Helps Prevent:

  • Blossom end rot in tomatoes and peppers
  • Micronutrient deficiencies
  • Tip burn in lettuce and cabbage
  • Dry and withered flower and fruit sets
  • Interveinal chlorosis
  • Stunted growth rates
  • Upward leaf curl
A table with the ingredients for an experiment.

Early Bloomer Bloom Booster

Early Bloomer Bloom Booster

Bloom Boosters are integral in maximizing flower production in plants. We have created 2 bloom boosters designed to maximize yield and fruit/flower size, Early Bloomer and Liquid Blue. Early Bloomer Bloom Booster is a concentrated liquid fertilizer supplement formulated for use during the early to mid flowering stages, by providing plants with a 2:1 of ratio of elemental potassium to elemental phosphorus to maximize and support sustained budding, flowering, and fruit development.

Potassium and phosphorous are vital elements in photosynthesis and promote the vigorous growth of blooming & ripening plants, helping to improve the quality of your fruit, flowers, and vegetables. Use Early Bloomer to maximize early bud development in your prized plants. This product can be fed to all varieties of plants growing in almost any type of garden and can be used along with other garden fertilizers & supplements and as a foliar spray. Use Early Bloomer with any base nutrients such as BlueMax, Elite, or Farmer's Pride for a complete plant fertilizer regimen for your plants.

A bottle of early bloom liquid

P-K ratio?

There is much speculation on what is the proper ratio of Phosphorus (P) and Potassium (K) for a bloom booster to maximize bud and flower growth. From our research, we have found that plants require a bloom booster with a 2:1 of ratio of elemental potassium to elemental phosphorus during the first few weeks of the flower phase. After the first half of flower phase, plants should then should be transitioned to a bloom booster with a 4:1 of ratio of elemental potassium to elemental phosphorus ratio to plump and harden buds.

The transition from vegetative growth to flowering is one of the most essential periods in a plant's ontogenesis. When a plant is transitioning from vegetative growth to the flowering phase, the initial formation of flower primordia is a massive energy consuming process. In plants, ATP (adenosine triphosphate) is the key energy transfer molecule. Elevated levels of phosphorus are required for the excess production of energy rich ATP. The flowering process places a huge demand for energy on plants and therefore, adequate phosphorus is essential for the process of energy production and transfer.

Early Bloomer provides the optimum levels of phosphorus necessary for optimum bud site development. One problem with providing higher levels of phosphorus is that excess phosphorus can cause a decrease in uptake of zinc, iron and copper, which can potentially start a chain reaction of other macro and micro nutrient deficiencies. Because of this, Early Bloomer is fortified with zinc, chelated iron, and copper in just the correct amounts. Copper has also been proven to significantly enhance the size and yield of buds and flowers and Early Bloomer ensures that the enough copper is available to the plant for bud and flower formation.

Liquid Blue Bloom Booster

Liquid Blue Bloom Booster

Bloom Boosters are integral in maximizing flower production in plants. We have created 2 bloom boosters designed to maximize yield and fruit/flower size, Liquid Blue and Early Bloomer. Liquid Blue Bloom Booster is a concentrated liquid fertilizer supplement formulated for use during late flowering/fruiting stages in order to provide higher levels of phosphorous and potassium to support healthy, sustained flowering and fruit development.

Potassium and phosphorous are vital elements in plant processes such as photosynthesis and promote vigorous growth, blooming, ripening & quality of fruit. Liquid Blue can be fed to all types of plants and can be used along with other garden fertilizers and supplements and as a foliar spray. Use Liquid Blue with any base nutrients such as BlueMax, Elite, or Farmer's Pride for a complete plant fertilizer regimen for your plants.

A blue liquid is shown with the label.

P-K ratio?

There is much speculation on what is the proper ratio of Phosphorus (P) and Potassium (K) for a bloom booster to maximize bud and flower growth. From our research, we have found that plants require a bloom booster with a 2:1 of ratio of elemental potassium to elemental phosphorus during the first few weeks of the flower phase. After the first half of flower phase, plants should then should be transitioned to a bloom booster with a 4:1 of ratio of elemental potassium to elemental phosphorus ratio to plump and harden buds.

The transition from vegetative growth to flowering is one of the most essential periods in a plant's ontogenesis. When a plant is transitioning from vegetative growth to the flowering phase, the initial formation of flower primordia is a massive energy consuming process. In plants, ATP (adenosine triphosphate) is the key energy transfer molecule. Elevated levels of phosphorus are required for the excess production of energy rich ATP. The flowering process places a huge demand for energy on plants and therefore, adequate phosphorus is essential for the process of energy production and transfer.

Liquid Blue is designed to maximize the fattening and hardening of buds by providing plants with a 4:1 of ratio of elemental potassium to elemental phosphorus. Once a plant has fully transitioned into the flowering phase, and bud site development is maximized, a bloom booster with a 4:1 of ratio of elemental potassium to elemental phosphorus is needed to produce more structurally sound buds (dense bud formation throughout the calyx cluster). This is where Liquid Blue comes into play. After the first half of the flower phase, growers should begin transitioning to a lower phosphorus (P) / higher potassium (K) bloom booster. As plants transition from early flower to late flower phase, phosphorus uptake rapidly decreases as flowers begin to mature. Elevated levels of phosphorus are no longer needed to maximize development of bud sites but elevated levels of potassium is necessary to plump and harden buds and maximize the yield of flowering plants. Although potassium does not form a structural part of any plant component or compound, It is required for various metabolic activities and physiological functions. It is agreed throughout the plant science community that elevated levels of potassium are unequivocally required for maximum yield of flowering plants.

Gold Shield Silica

Gold Shield Silica Supplement

Gold Shield is a silica supplement which increases the strength of stems and branches, increases resistance to environmental stress, and improves the uptake of water and nutrients in plants. Gold Shield provides silicon which plants deposit around cell walls making plants better able to support the weight of heavy fruits & flowers. Silicon deposits also make it more difficult for diseases to penetrate cell walls and less desirable for insects. The addition of Gold Shield will optimize nutrient uptake and photosynthesis, improving overall crop quality and quantity. A versatile and easy to use product, Gold Shield is a concentrated formula which is compatible with any brand/type of fertilizers and supplements.

A gallon of gold shield silica supplement

Gold Shield Benefits:

  • Increases the structural integrity of plant tissue by strengthening cell walls
  • Improves the uptake of water and nutrients
  • Improves resistance to wilt and water stress
  • Increases chlorophyll production allowing leaves to operate more efficiently varying light levels
  • Improves resistance to pathogens
  • Increases the metabolism of CO2 through increased production of the higher concentrations of the enzyme RUBP carboxylase in leaf tissue
  • Helps prevent mineral toxicity
  • Adds extra potassium for enhanced flowering
  • Increases crop weight and total yield

Gold Shield Silica is deposited in plant cell walls fortifying them from the inside out. The silica in Gold Shield “builds” the plant, acting like cement in the cell walls or between the actual cells themselves. It increases the structural integrity of the plant, making stems, branches, and leaves thicker, stronger, and greener. If you are growing plants for the weight of their fruits and flowers, Gold Shield will increase the strength of the stems so they can hold more weight without supports. The silicon in Gold Shield is deposited in the endodermis and cell walls of roots, increasing the selective uptake of water and beneficial nutrients while restricting the uptake and transport of toxic ions to aerial parts of the plant. This results in overall healthier plants that are better for human consumption. This is extremely beneficial for plants grown in soil which may contain unknown heavy metals. This product helps plants be less susceptible to water stress by influencing hydraulic adjustment in plants reducing transpiration rates and improving stomatal conductance. The silica in Gold Shield is polymerized in the leaf cuticle and acts as a barrier against insects and pathogens. Using Gold Shield as a foliar spray forms an outer shield on plant leaves further increasing the barrier between insects and pathogens and plant tissue. Overall, Gold Shield is a great addition to any garden and can be used on all varieties of plants growing in any type of garden whether soil, hydroponic, or aeroponic.

VitaBlue B-Vitamins

Feeding Vita Blue B Vitamin Supplement to Your Plants Increases Growth, Potency, and Yield

B Vitamins are critical for many cellular processes within plants. Although plants can produce B vitamins themselves, fast growing plants that are pushed to their growth limits may not keep up with the need for these critical B vitamins.

B Vitamins are vital for energy production in plants and plants supplemented with Vita Blue have increased gains in final yield as well as flavor and potency.

Vita Blue contains humic and fulvic acids which aid in the uptake of B vitamins and other nutrients.

Vita Blue contains composted seaweed extract which contains growth promoting hormones and over 60 trace minerals that increase cell division and root and shoot growth.

Vita Blue has been shown to significantly increase plant terpene concentrations.

Vita Blue works in soil, and ALL hydroponic and aeroponic systems.

B Vitamins play many critical roles in plants and supplementing your plant's diet with B vitamins can enormously increase plant health and yield.

A bottle of blue planet nutrients vita blue

B1 (Thiamine Mononitrate)

Vitamin B1 is essential in the plant's use of carbohydrates as an energy source and for metabolizing amino acids. Plants can then use the extra energy during vegetative and flower phases to increase growth of leaves and terpenes. Vitamin B1 also facilitates plants use of phosphate resulting in increased flower growth. B1 also assists in root development enabling plants to absorb more water and nutrients, and makes plants more resistant to shock, transplanting, and cloning.

A blue planet nutrients label for vita blue
A label for vitablue 2-1-4

B2 (Riboflavin)

B-2 Riboflavin is involved in vital metabolic processes in the plant necessary for normal cell function, growth and energy production. Researchers with the Department of Plant Pathology at Cornell University demonstrated that Riboflavin induced expression of pathogenesis-related (PR) genes in the plants, suggesting its ability to trigger a signal transduction pathway that leads to systemic resistance of Tobacco Mosaic Virus and the plant disease Alternaria alternata.

B3 (Niacinamide)

Niacin is one of the most stable of the B vitamins owing to the fact that it is resistant to the effects of heat, light, air, acid and alkali. Vitamin B3 works with vitamin B1, riboflavin (vitamin B2), pyridoxine (vitamin B6), pantothenic acid, and biotin in plants to break down and convert the carbohydrates into energy. Niacinamide plays a key role in clearing the plant of toxic and harmful chemicals. Vitamin B3 is needed for the action of many enzymes in the plant. Those reactions include generating energy, creating certain hormones, processing genetic material (DNA), and the growth and maturation of cells.

B5 (Pantothenic acid)

Vitamin B5 is essential for fundamental cellular processes. B5 (Pantothenic acid) is an essential nutrient because it is a key component of coenzyme A (CoA) and Acyl-carrier protein (ACP). Plants convert pantothenic acid into a chemical called pantethine. Pantethine is a dimer of pantothenic acid and is the form which is used to make CoA. CoA is involved in many important reactions in the plant/body. It is critical to the functioning of the Krebs cycle. It helps to convert carbohydrates into energy. Vitamin B5 supports plant growth, normal plant function and reproduction. Pantothenic acid plays a key role in the production of energy, the catabolism of fatty acids and amino acids.

B6 (Pyroxidine)

Vitamin B6 is essential for all living organisms. In plants, pyridoxine (vitamin B6) is a cofactor required by numerous enzymes. A study published in the Journal of plant Science establishes a critical role of vitamin B6 in plant development and stress tolerance and suggests that vitamin B6 may represent a new class of antioxidant in plants (Chen H, Xiong L.). Researchers from the University of Geneva (UNIGE), Switzerland, have also discovered an unexpected role for this micronutrient in relation to nitrogen metabolism. Their results indicate that one of the B6 vitamers informs the plant of its content in ammonium, a basic nitrogen compound needed for the biosynthesis of various molecules essential for life, such as proteins. Vitamin B6 could be used to ascertain the nitrogen status of plants and eventually prevent the overuse of nitrogen-containing fertilizers. Researchers recently published results in the Middle East Journal of Applied Sciences that concluded vitamin B6 induced a significant promotive effect on growth, photosynthetic pigments and productivity in plants. Vitamin B6 induced increased plant height, number of leaves/plant, total leaf area/plant, shoot dry weight/plant, chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, and carotenoids over the control group. (Rania M. A. Nassar, Sally A. Arafa and S. Farouk).

Folic Acid (B9)

Folic acid, also called vitamin B9, is very beneficial for plant growth. Folic acid essentially helps plants to grow more heavily and healthily. It enables plants to regulate their DNA functions. This acid basically helps a plant to produce DNA, which is a nucleic acid that possesses an organism's genetic information. Folic acid additionally enables plants to produce RNA, a nucleic acid that carries information from DNA to plant cell structures known as ribosomes and helps a plant synthesize proteins. Plants need proteins to build up the structures in their cells. Regulating a plant's metabolic functions is another important contribution of folic acid. Folic acid enables plants to metabolize carbohydrates. Because folic acid exists in plants but decomposes rapidly when exposed to strong light, giving plants additional folic acid during the growing process is recommended.

Root Magic Myco+

Root Magic Mycorrhizae + Microbes

Root Magic Mycorrhizae+ Microbes is a natural fungi and microbe blend that symbiotically assists plant roots in extracting moisture & nutrients from soil. Adding Root Magic Myco+ to your growing medium increases the absorption area of your plant's roots by a factor of 10 to 1000 times that of non treated root systems. Root Magic Myco+ inoculates your plant's roots with mycorrhizae fungi plus our proprietary blend of microbes. The results are plants which are much more efficient at taking up water and nutrients, grow more vigorously, and are less susceptible to mortality, drought, disease, stunting, and transplant shock. A staple for any garden, Root Magic is compatible for use with other brands and types of fertilizers and supplements.

When Root Magic Myco+ comes into contact with your plant's roots, microscopic propagules inoculate the root system and initiate a mycorrhizal colony. The mycorrhizae grow on, and into the roots forming a symbiotic relationship. The mycorrhizae obtain carbohydrates from the plant and in return, the microscopic mycorrhizae extend hyphae from the roots which take up nutrients and water for the host plant.

The microbes in Root Magic Myco+ help to:

A jar of blue planet nutrients root magic

  • Increase the vigor and stress resistance of root systems
  • Increase nutrient availability and nutrient delivery to the plants
  • Increase plant vigor by secreting several metabolites that trigger plant growth and help prevent pathogen infection
  • Allow plants to be less susceptible to environmental stress

Root Magic Myco+ is an inoculum of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (Glomus intraradices) and our proprietary blend of bacillus microbes. This product is micronized and can pass through a #70 screen and can be used in hydroponics, soil and all soil-less growing mediums with all varieties of plants.


Active Ingredients:

Glomus intraradices.........................71 propagules/gm

Glomus mosseae.............................71 propagules/gm

Glomus aggregatum........................71 propagules/gm

Glomus etunicatum.........................71 propagules/gm

Bacilllus pumillus.........................20,000,000 CFU/gm

Bacilllus subtillis..........................20,000,000 CFU/gm

Bacilllus licheniformis..................20,000,000 CFU/gm

Directions for use:

Transplants: Touch damp roots so that a small amount sticks to the roots and/or sprinkle into planting holes. Add 1/2 to 1 tsp per gallon in soil containers. Add 1/4 teaspoon per gallon for hydroponics.

Alternatively, mix ½ to 1 teaspoon per gallon of soil when preparing soil mixture for use.

Deep root injection – mix at 1 teaspoon per gallon of water and shake well. Immediately Water directly into root zone.


Keep dry, cool, and out of sun. Retains full effectiveness for 18 months when properly stored.

pH Adjusters

pH UP and DOWN

pH Adjusting Solutions

Two gallon jugs of liquid with a red arrow and blue arrow.


Formulated using Laboratory Grade Phosphoric Acid. Use to lower the pH of your hydroponic nutrient solution. Add a little at a time to decrease the pH of your nutrient solution.


Formulated using Laboratory Grade Potassium Carbonate. Use to increase the pH of your hydroponic nutrient solution. Add a little at a time to increase the pH of your nutrient solution.

These adjusting solutions are extremely concentrated. It does not take much to increase or decrease the pH level. Add a very small amount to your reservoir, mix well, let stabilize, and take a pH reading. Continue to add until the desired pH level is achieved.